OzCyber Unlocked
A podcast series aimed at helping Australians deepen their understanding of the local cyber security industry.
Podcasting since 2020 • 19 episodes
OzCyber Unlocked
Latest Episodes
International Women's Day 2022 - Hacking the gender balance
To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March, Michelle Price sits down with three leading women in cyber and technology. Joining us on episode 19 of OzCyber Unlocked is Kate Pounder, Chief Executive Officer of The Technology Council of Aus...

Students – jumpstart your cyber security career in 2022!
It’s our first episode of OzCyber Unlocked for 2022! This month, AustCyber's CEO Michelle Price speaks to two passionate advocates for building Australia’s next generation of cyber employees - Evan Williams, the Australian Director at

2021 – keeping up with the speed of change in an age of greater risk
This month, we look back at what has been one of the most challenging years on record. The pandemic and lockdowns dictated changes to our ways of working. On the upside, we all became more deeply connected to the cyber physical world around us....
Season 2
Episode 5

Under siege: Are we ready for a cyber attack on Australia’s hospital system?
On Monday 25 October, as part of Australian Cyber Week 2021, we hosted our first ‘AustCyber after dark’ session where we stepped through the facets of a hypothetical cyber-attack on a hospital – the impacts on and responses of the medical syste...
Season 2
Episode 4

The state of Australian cyber – 2021 observations from retired MAJGEN Dr Marcus Thompson
In episode fifteen of ‘OzCyber Unlocked’, host Michelle Price reflects on the topics of our past five episodes with retired MAJGEN Dr Marcus Thompson AM, a regular listener of this podcast. Among many things, Marcus runs his own adv...
Season 2
Episode 3