OzCyber Unlocked
OzCyber Unlocked
Industry-led cyber security standards – why are they important?
Cyber security standards and guidance play a key role in improving the security of data, assets, systems, networks and critical infrastructure. Well-developed, practical and verifiable standards, along with their supporting information in the form of guidance, enables consistency in cyber security practices and encourages competitiveness among developers, responders, managers and organisations.
Last year, the NSW Cyber Security Standards Harmonisation Taskforce was convened to accelerate the adoption of harmonised Australian standards for cyber security, with NSW as the pilot state in Australia.
This month, the Taskforce is releasing its Recommendations Report.
In episode seven of ‘OzCyber Unlocked’, we speak to the Hon. Victor Dominello MP (NSW Minister for Customer Service), Prerana Mehta (Chief of Ecosystem Development at AustCyber) and Dr Jed Horner (Policy Manager at Standards Australia) about the benefit to Australia’s economy of having a common set of cyber security standards, high-level takeaways from the Recommendations Report, and how the NSW Government is building a robust cyber security ecosystem.
This month’s ‘cyber spotlight’ features Tracie Thompson from HackHunter. HackHunter is a rapidly growing Australian cyber security IoT provider who recently launched its portable Pursuit WiFi tracker, which detects and locates the source of unauthorised and potentially malicious WiFi with precision.
For more information about the organisations featured, visit:
- AustCyber: www.austcyber.com
- Standards Australia: www.standards.org.au
- Service NSW: www.service.nsw.gov.au
- The Hon. Minister Dominello’s office: www.nsw.gov.au/nsw-government/ministers/minister-for-customer-service
- HackHunter: https://hackhunter.io/